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Why Environmental Toxins are Important

The human body encounters toxins every day, so over time this can become a problem if our bodies are not eliminating toxins at the same rate as exposure. Constant or repeated exposure to environmental toxins can also lead to health issues like diabetes, obesity, autoimmune diseases as well as cancer and immunity-related problems. That’s why we need to know more about environmental toxins and their role.

Environmental toxins are various man-made or natural compounds that can have a negative impact on our health. While they can be somewhat safe in low amounts, once you get over a certain threshold, they can lead to a large array of health issues. We can find these toxins in nature, but also in our food, cosmetic products, and other things we use every day.

Another thing to note about environmental toxins is that they can be endocrine disruptors. That means these chemical compounds are interfering with the way your endocrine system functions. These toxins can kickstart autoimmune diseases, and they can also be very dangerous to the environment. Keep reading to learn more about the importance of environmental toxins. 

Where to find environmental toxins:

Generally, most environmental toxins can be found in many of our daily products. A good example is Bisphenol A or BPA which is a very common chemical used to create PVC, plastics, and thus we can find it in healthcare products, kid’s toys, but also food packaging. BPA is associated with things like cancer, hormonal disorders, PCOS, and even infertility.

Another environmental toxin would be phthalates, which are plasticizers and their role is to boost resilience and flexibility. You can find them in cleaning materials, paints, toys, but also personal care products. These are also known to disrupt the functions of your endocrine systems, not to mention they can bring in some immune and thyroid conditions too.

Parabens are synthetic chemicals and they are preservatives for pharma and food products, but also cosmetics. We can also find parabens in rivers, in the soil or house dust. The problem with them is that they can lead to cancer and skin problems, especially if they are overused or the person is over-exposed to them.

Other environmental toxins are heavy metals. For example, arsenic can be found in water, food or air, and it can bring in cardiovascular, neurological or even lung-related problems. The same thing can be said about lead, which is widely available, but it can bring in kidney damage, allergies, it might even lead to various brain conditions.

How to lower exposure to environmental toxins: 

The best thing we can do is to start using reusable products, especially metal or glass bottles. Investing in higher-quality cleaning and personal care products without environmental toxins is also very important. Buying organic foods and also limiting cigarette smoke exposure can be just as helpful. We also recommend that you consider installing a water filter at home to reduce plastic bottle exposure and landfill waste.

As you can see, environmental toxins can have a negative impact on our health, especially if we are over-exposed to them. That’s why we need to ensure that these compounds are removed from the environment and we avoid polluting our planet with them. As we deplete more and more of our natural resources, it becomes increasingly difficult to thrive in our bodies due to constant exposure to chemicals and environmental toxins. Which is why we need to take care of ourselves and also limit our exposure to environmental toxins in the long term!

If you are interested in learning more about environmental toxins, click here to schedule a virtual Comprehensive Health Assessment with Dr. Tawainna Houston.

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